More Dudamel or Davies?
Petter Björkebäck Petter Björkebäck

More Dudamel or Davies?

Imagine a full concert hall where a philharmonic orchestra performs the overture to Wagner’s Tannhäuser. Imagine how the highly focused, sweaty, and intense conductor expressively leads the orchestra with full attention. The roaring brass section. The alternately chirping, alternately galloping string section. The grandiose fortissimo that hits you with full force and make your vagus nerve ring and chest sing.

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Don´t hire me!
Petter Björkebäck Petter Björkebäck

Don´t hire me!

According to an estimate made by Institute of Medicine, 230.000 to 284.000 people die in US annually due to iatrogenesis. Iatrogenesis is the term for harm caused by medical treatment (or if the harm is greater than the benefit of the treatment). Until 1846 when Ignaz Semmelweiz found out that disinfection seemed like a good idea, and before 1928 when Flemming discovered the penicillin, iatrogenesis was pretty much the main story if you got sick or hurt and were unlucky enough to end up in hospital.

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What can business learn from choir singing?
Petter Björkebäck Petter Björkebäck

What can business learn from choir singing?

Singing is universal! Even if some might protest that statement, most people can sing, and even if some consider themselves can´t, they might still enjoy chanting or humming together, or by themselves in the car or in the shower. Most people have an innate ability to sing and clap along, and you see it in all sorts of contexts, in all sorts of cultures.

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What can we learn from birds, and from boids?
Petter Björkebäck Petter Björkebäck

What can we learn from birds, and from boids?

The creative artist and facilitator Steve Chapman helped me to understand the importance of that organizations often needs “just enough structure” to function optimally. And to better understand that statement we can turn to our feathered friends. I guess you recognize the beautiful V-formations as the migratory birds moves south or north. Beyond this remarkable achievement of flying thousands of miles, there is some important lessons to learn.

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