Vi är Smålands People & Culture partner. Vi hjälper din organisation att växa hållbart genom att frigöra kraften och potentialen i människor.

Förändring är den enda konstanten

Vi lever i en alltmer föränderlig värld. Ny teknologi som AI och ny lagstiftning leder till förändrade behov och beteenden i arbetslivet. Detta tillsammans med hybridarbetets intåg efter pandemin ställer höga krav på anpassning för alla organisationer. Vi hjälper dig att hitta rätt i förändringsarbetet. Oavsett om du har utmaningar med hög personalomsättning, att attrahera rätt personal eller behöver en skjuts i ledarskapet så kan vi hjälpa dig.

Våra tjänster

Vi ser människor som ansvarstagande, kreativa och kapabla. Vi tror att nyckeln till alla företags framgång är att frigöra den kollektiva kraften hos dessa. Våra metoder bygger på långsiktiga åtaganden. Förändringsarbete och varaktigt värdeskapande är beroende av goda relationer och förståelse för affär. Alla organisationer är unika. Därför förordar vi skräddarsydda lösningar som passar just din organisations behov. Vi erbjuder tjänster på olika nivåer i din organisation.

För dig som individ:

“ Since his appointment in Autumn 2020, Petter Björkebäck has offered great contributions in the Board of Advisors. His commitment is genuine and through active participation he provides important perspective in dialogue within the Board of Advisors and the JIBS´ leadership team. His contributions go beyond the Board of Advisors as he willingly engaged in other JIBS activities such as faculty seminars on the topic of how to lead towards a value-led business operation and inner development goals. I have worked with many good organizational and leadership consultants, but if I have to recommend just one, I recommend Petter. Commitment, professionalism and genuine concern.”

-Professor Jerker Moodysson, Dean & Managing Director Jönköpings International Business School

“ Petter is an excellent HR leader with calm and pleasant personality and an upbeat attitude. As a valued member of the leadership team, he demonstrated a genuine interest & commitment to developing people. He has terrific business acumen and great insight into the workforce dynamics. His passion for organizational development also made him great to work with and a strong coach and mentor to our leadership team.”

-Vaishali Misra , Range Area Manager Food Services, Inter IKEA Group

“ During his participation in the advisory board of Global Centre for Human Resources Management, University of Gothenburg, Petter has shown great ability to communicate inspiringly, a great analytical ability and understanding of the world around him, including around the newly developed concept of Inner Development Goals. I am convinced that Petter will succeed very well in his future endeavors.””

-Stefan Tengblad, Professor of HRM at the University of Gothenburg.

“Working closely with Petter in the strategic initiative for Inclusion at IKEA has been an absolute delight. Petter's remarkable ability to lead change with empathy and genuine care has made a lasting impact on our organization. His innovative frameworks and unwavering passion for purpose-driven transformation have not only inspired leaders and colleagues alike, but also translated into tangible and actionable change within our teams. As a facilitator, Petter excels in creating an inclusive environment for ideation, fostering collaboration, and devising highly effective strategies. I wholeheartedly recommend collaborating with Petter to anyone who recognizes the immense value of people as a company's greatest assets. His expertise and commitment will undoubtedly elevate any business venture.”

-Marco Guadarrama, Data & Tech, Inter IKEA Group

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